As I write throughout this blog these Satanists have to tell you what they are up to and they always do. Sometimes they'll use symbols in ads, sometimes commercials, sometimes sitcoms or cartoons like the Simpsons or South Park. On Aug. 10th of 2023 Mountain Dew released for sale 12 packs of a new beverage. Two days later there were reports of, "Directed Energy Weapons" causing fires in select spots coming from the sky and before anyone could act they were surrounded by fire. Maui literally burst into flames. Those of the religion knew. They knew just how much time they had, until the 12th, hence the 12 pack. They knew the target, Maui, and they knew flames would be involved or explosions or bursts from "DEW" a "Directed Energy Weapon" How you ask?
Like this: They even abbreviated Mountain to MTN (Maui target notice) So the full message reads, 12 Aug, 2023 "Maui Target Notice, Directed Energy Weapon, Maui burst. This was the notice of the shot from space using the DEW and while other smaller fires started earlier in other parts of Maui these were the plausible deniability fires set by arsonists before the DEW spiced things up. They intend to make the burned area their new 'Carbon Free City' as an example to the world to combat global warming. This was a land grab.
Most have no idea of the magnitude of the situation with the gender bender agenda. There’s a video where they discuss the amount of funding the trans lobby has accrued in a very short amount of time out there on youtube. And there’s a post on the net by Miranda Yardley who touches on the rich autogynephiles in positions of power in the trans lobby organizations, and how these same organizations get millions of $$$ in bourgeois patronage from Starbucks, Apple, NBC, and a host of billionaires etc. We're talking big $ here! There is another blogger who noticed how much elite support transgenderism has received pointing out that it is a surprising member of society responsible for this issue!
Wealthy white men are at the top of the trans lobby! Did you know that? Wealthy white heterosexual men fund this movement by and large! What is with that? Wealthy white guys that could do any number of things with their money for good and they are investing in this? Why? Magdalen Berns responded to a VICE video about this very subject which gave a glimpse of how many rich, "Autogynephiles" live in New York alone that support these agendas including Donald J. Trump.
Spoiler alert: there’s a lot of them besides him and before you condemn him for this you better do some research as you might be surprised at who you have already supported that backs this issue not just with their mouths but their $$$! Not only do they tend to be wealthy, but they were inundated in strict conservatism themselves which means Christian values were instilled in them since growing up, so they tend to gravitate to wholly stereotyped visions of “womanhood” that looks like it came out of the 50s. All of their wives look like they came off the model for "MAD MEN" women in the series, all humble and meek, "yes women" for their men which they adore and never second guess or question and can't wait to serve! This is how they live but look at how they manipulate you and me.
Unsurprisingly, their exploration into transgenderism is always sexually charged and explicit, and exploitable and there’s at least an implied fetish element. Seems these elite are somewhat warped to me!! So transgenderism is under the ideological leadership of the world’s least oppressed people and the richest and most educated conservatives! What do you suppose they are up to? Let us take a look!
Transgenderism accomplishes a ton of bourgeois goals all at once for these rich mother frickers. The steps taken today are just a precursor step to making it normal and acceptable for these monsters to next have access to minor children for legal sex. Please know I have no problem with people that feel this way. Feeling that way and acting on it are two different things tho! So the promotion of it here by these men to make it reality is harmful not just to them but to all of us and our children.
The trans movement promotes woman-hatred first of all and that appears to me to be their ultimate goal no matter how you identify. So if they see you still as a woman you are for shit! It is obliterating the concept of womanhood in popular discourse and conversation altogether and the, "Me Too movement" is helping it right now if you had not noticed.
So called experts answer the question, "What is a woman with circular answers doing all they can to avoid discussing the subject, even getting angry if one persists to ask! Only someone insecure with something to hide shuffles in their seats and gets uncomfortable when this subject comes up! Professionals do not run from truth they seek it out. And don't give me what is your reality? What is your truth? There is one reality! Anything else including social sciences are whimsical fantasy sciences with no substance! Subjective and based on feelings it has no basis in facts or data finding to go along with it.
A woman is a term created by human beings to describe the female of their species! A female of our human species has ovaries that drop eggs and females have the natural ability to get pregnant from the seed of a man and not only get pregnant but carry that life and feed it to full term in their natural womb. Females give birth to said life through a natural birth canal and vagina bringing it into the world as a new life. Then naturally being endowed with breast milk to feed said life women/females can feed it to solid foods. Men cannot do this. Men do not give birth through their penis!
Women do not produce seeds! That is the science based on fact! Men cannot do what women do and women cannot do what men do!
So when a woman sits in front of you and says I'm not a woman even though the person speaking identifies as a man but has ovaries like any biological female and all the necessary female biological parts to carry and feed a baby to term after becoming pregnant, and then feed the baby after birth with their natural breast milk is in fact suffering from a mental or cognitive disability to accept or see reality as it is!
Feeling a certain way does not make it reality that you are man or a woman if you are in fact the opposite biologically. If one is facing reality they know they can never be that sex they now ID as and to say otherwise is a rather whimsical fantasy view. You cannot change your biology by your feelings!
Social sciences pushing these whimsical ideas are only helping to destroy and wipe out all the progress from other movements in our lifetime. Examples? The trans movement is completely destroying feminism and all the work done over our life time for women and doing so through a cleverly hidden very sinister divide-and-rule strategy; liberal feminists are employed as flying monkeys, spying for the white conservatives behind it, spreading gossip, doing the narcissist biddings to inflict maximum torment on all those that oppose the narratives they present and even taking the fall as the scapegoat at times for, "The Cause"!
Oh and radical feminists are subjected to extreme censorship and violence on the other end we cannot forget that! It is an automatic backlash against the meager gains for LGB (lesbian, gay, bisexual rights) in the past couple decades; it has re-branded conversion therapy as being progressive; it has declared lesbianism as being trans-phobic, which I find offensive; and it has introduced “gender identity” into anti-discrimination laws, just recently even again in California which completely nullifies protections in place by law on the basis of sex and sexual orientation! I'm sorry but no matter where you stand on the gender issue this is outrageous!
Lastly, the trans movement has given privileged white men an oppressed card to play that they carry around in their back pocket like some prize, which has completely slowed down the black liberation movement and the socialist movement, by the way!! Oh and as both these movements try to reconcile by fighting for the oppressed, while obeying the whim of whiny narcissists funding things from the top, as they dodge flying monkeys all the past gains of the past are lost while everyone is so focused on current events!
What is the point? We need to stop this! We're being manipulated by severely deranged rich men! The liberals all falling in line with this nonsense have no idea they are being controlled and manipulated and directed by the very white heterosexual rich men brought up in deep conservative roots just like Donald J. Trump that they hate! Look up Yardley's work yourself! I've done all I'm doing on this here. Prove me wrong if you don't believe it!