Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The Trans Gender Movement (Who is behind it?)

As I write throughout this blog these Satanists have to tell you what they are up to and they always do. Sometimes they'll use symbols in ads, sometimes commercials, sometimes sitcoms or cartoons like the Simpsons or South Park. On Aug. 10th of 2023 Mountain Dew released for sale 12 packs of a new beverage. Two days later there were reports of, "Directed Energy Weapons" causing fires in select spots coming from the sky and before anyone could act they were surrounded by fire. Maui literally burst into flames. Those of the religion knew. They knew just how much time they had, until the 12th, hence the 12 pack. They knew the target, Maui, and they knew flames would be involved or explosions or bursts from "DEW" a "Directed Energy Weapon" How you ask? 

Like this: They even abbreviated Mountain to MTN (Maui target notice) So the full message reads, 12 Aug, 2023 "Maui Target Notice, Directed Energy Weapon, Maui burst. This was the notice of the shot from space using the DEW and while other smaller fires started earlier in other parts of Maui these were the plausible deniability fires set by arsonists before the DEW spiced things up. They intend to make the burned area their new 'Carbon Free City' as an example to the world to combat global warming. This was a land grab. 

Most have no idea of the magnitude of the situation with the gender bender agenda. There’s a video where they discuss the amount of funding the trans lobby has accrued in a very short amount of time out there on youtube. And there’s a post on the net by Miranda Yardley who touches on the rich autogynephiles in positions of power in the trans lobby organizations, and how these same organizations get millions of $$$ in bourgeois patronage from Starbucks, Apple, NBC, and a host of billionaires etc. We're talking big $ here! There is another blogger who noticed how much elite support transgenderism has received pointing out that it is a surprising member of society responsible for this issue!

Wealthy white men are at the top of the trans lobby! Did you know that? Wealthy white heterosexual men fund this movement by and large! What is with that? Wealthy white guys that could do any number of things with their money for good and they are investing in this? Why? Magdalen Berns responded to a VICE video about this very subject which gave a glimpse of how many rich, "Autogynephiles" live in New York alone that support these agendas including Donald J. Trump.

Spoiler alert: there’s a lot of them besides him and before you condemn him for this you better do some research as you might be surprised at who you have already supported that backs this issue not just with their mouths but their $$$! Not only do they tend to be wealthy, but they were inundated in strict conservatism themselves which means Christian values were instilled in them since growing up, so they tend to gravitate to wholly stereotyped visions of “womanhood” that looks like it came out of the 50s. All of their wives look like they came off the model for "MAD MEN" women in the series, all humble and meek, "yes women" for their men which they adore and never second guess or question and can't wait to serve! This is how they live but look at how they manipulate you and me.

 Unsurprisingly, their exploration into transgenderism is always sexually charged and explicit, and exploitable and there’s at least an implied fetish element. Seems these elite are somewhat warped to me!! So transgenderism is under the ideological leadership of the world’s least oppressed people and the richest and most educated conservatives! What do you suppose they are up to? Let us take a look!

Transgenderism accomplishes a ton of bourgeois goals all at once for these rich mother frickers. The steps taken today are just a precursor step to making it normal and acceptable for these monsters to next have access to minor children for legal sex. Please know I have no problem with people that feel this way. Feeling that way and acting on it are two different things tho! So the promotion of it here by these men to make it reality is harmful not just to them but to all of us and our children. 

The trans movement promotes woman-hatred first of all and that appears to me to be their ultimate goal no matter how you identify. So if they see you still as a woman you are for shit! It is obliterating the concept of womanhood in popular discourse and conversation altogether and the, "Me Too movement" is helping it right now if you had not noticed. 

So called experts answer the question, "What is a woman with circular answers doing all they can to avoid discussing the subject, even getting angry if one persists to ask! Only someone insecure with something to hide shuffles in their seats and gets uncomfortable when this subject comes up! Professionals do not run from truth they seek it out. And don't give me what is your reality? What is your truth? There is one reality! Anything else including social sciences are whimsical fantasy sciences with no substance! Subjective and based on feelings it has no basis in facts or data finding to go along with it. 

A woman is a term created by human beings to describe the female of their species! A female of our human species has ovaries that drop eggs and females have the natural ability to get pregnant from the seed of a man and not only get pregnant but carry that life and feed it to full term in their natural womb. Females give birth to said life through a natural birth canal and vagina bringing it into the world as a new life. Then naturally being endowed with breast milk to feed said life women/females can feed it to solid foods. Men cannot do this. Men do not give birth through their penis! 

Women do not produce seeds! That is the science based on fact! Men cannot do what women do and women cannot do what men do! 

So when a woman sits in front of you and says I'm not a woman even though the person speaking identifies as a man but has ovaries like any biological female and all the necessary female biological parts to carry and feed a baby to term after becoming pregnant, and then feed the baby after birth with their natural breast milk is in fact suffering from a mental or cognitive disability to accept or see reality as it is! 

Feeling a certain way does not make it reality that you are man or a woman if you are in fact the opposite biologically. If one is facing reality they know they can never be that sex they now ID as and to say otherwise is a rather whimsical fantasy view. You cannot change your biology by your feelings!

 Social sciences pushing these whimsical ideas are only helping to destroy and wipe out all the progress from other movements in our lifetime. Examples? The trans movement is completely destroying feminism and all the work done over our life time for women and doing so through a cleverly hidden very sinister divide-and-rule strategy; liberal feminists are employed as flying monkeys, spying for the white conservatives behind it, spreading gossip, doing the narcissist biddings to inflict maximum torment on all those that oppose the narratives they present and even taking the fall as the scapegoat at times for, "The Cause"!

Oh and radical feminists are subjected to extreme censorship and violence on the other end we cannot forget that! It is an automatic backlash against the meager gains for LGB (lesbian, gay, bisexual rights) in the past couple decades; it has re-branded conversion therapy as being progressive; it has declared lesbianism as being trans-phobic, which I find offensive; and it has introduced “gender identity” into anti-discrimination laws, just recently even again in California which completely nullifies protections in place by law on the basis of sex and sexual orientation! I'm sorry but no matter where you stand on the gender issue this is outrageous! 

Lastly, the trans movement has given privileged white men an oppressed card to play that they carry around in their back pocket like some prize, which has completely slowed down the black liberation movement and the socialist movement, by the way!! Oh and as both these movements try to reconcile by fighting for the oppressed, while obeying the whim of whiny narcissists funding things from the top, as they dodge flying monkeys all the past gains of the past are lost while everyone is so focused on current events! 

What is the point? We need to stop this! We're being manipulated by severely deranged rich men! The liberals all falling in line with this nonsense have no idea they are being controlled and manipulated and directed by the very white heterosexual rich men brought up in deep conservative roots just like Donald J. Trump that they hate! Look up Yardley's work yourself! I've done all I'm doing on this here. Prove me wrong if you don't believe it! 

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Seeing and "SEEING FOR REAL"

The largest group of the rich autogynephiles supporting the trans movement are in NY state. But many are in Hollywood and California also. Many of the autogynephiles in NY state are at the top of funding the trans movement. They are also in leadership positions throughout all gov. and are all over London and the Crown! One of them even leads the Public Health Service right now today!

Though the transgender and gender being fluid thing is all easier now to speak about and see in the past it remained difficult to see so when you were seeking it out you had to look harder but now its very much visible and at everyone's front door. How did it start? It started slowly, by training and installing doctors and licensed therapists in social sciences and other specific specialty sciences all over the world in select schools and colleges to 'fix things' for twisted mental people that happened to be rich. By twisting the minds of youth their ultimate goal was set on children and no one sees it even now. This is all leading to the eventual access by these sick rich men to have legal sex with what is today minor children. Your children! This took place even unbeknownst to those doing the hiring at the schools at times.

Most have no idea of the truth of the situation or the magnitude of it or what social sciences has done to their children's minds, let alone what it did to theirs. Insiders believing in this have been working behind the scenes for many years quiet like to groom children and society their way as they are growing up and people had no idea it was even going on it has been so subtle. People had no idea they were being groomed and manipulated themselves. The TV between their own ears is mostly responsible but school contributed large also especially with children. Shows like, "Ellen" and before that "Boosom Buddies" all snuck right up on people, yet it is so easy to see what they were doing now looking back. They were following a long term plan.

These of the elite class, that is to say the true richest people on planet earth, and believe me it is not Elon Musk, are said to be tribes of monarchs that own most of the land we all stand on. Technically speaking they are the true owners of even the cars and trucks we drive, the houses we own and more. These bloodline families of very old money of mostly inbred related individuals are composed of the largest segment of society that gives birth to hermaphrodites, and/or 'intersex' people as well as the second most twins of any people second only to Nigeria, a little known bit of info hard to discern. They also have the most RH negative blood on planet earth right up there with Basque a seperate but related people.

These are mostly all a different blood type, A, B or O but negative blood. Unlike the rest of the planet that is RH positive. At this point, those of the 'Royal' class have interbred with humans not related to themselves of the RH positive branch of the population so much today that often they are diluted themselves in their families losing the rank they once had. So not all of their children are born both sexes or twins or even with the correct RH negative type blood of the royals.

They breed children for each other to be married and they occasionally sell and trade them in arranged marriages for some return of something in the way of more land, money or favors later either political or diplomatic or perhaps financial. Also, they steal third world children from other nations often using them as servants and this has gone on for thousands of years. Seeing us, the lowly masses as property and themselves as above us and all else they adorn themselves with glamour and glitz and condemn and guilt the world into driving electric and doing away with fossilfuel while they zip about in private jets. When a new person is welcomed into the club they are formally introduced to the King or Queen and are given new names & titles often! Depending on who they are related to they are often given new backgrounds for special ones, a specific task usually that always hints at who they are when they seemingly come out of nowhere into public consciousness now a proud and happy member of that elite circle. George Bush Sr did this, Elton John, Bono and more.

Cher is a prime example of this as are other lime light stars. Why the name "CHER" alone is believed to be by many literally a command in witchcraft to 'see her'. (C- HER) See Her = CHER) as opposed to seeing "HIM" that is or was also supposed to be there for those with the eyes to see and this individual is thought by many and has been rumored to be intersex or a trans many times over her career. It is also no coincidence that her child is one born as a female but changed her gender! Another member of the movement without asking to be of the "Twister Religion Grooming program".

Cher's daughter/son actually could be another example of a potential intersex child being born into an intersex family or a member of the 'Twister Religion" doing everything in reverse where the doctor picked the sex because these "Twisters are ones that do everything in reverse you see? They all also have a history of going to a social science therapist regularly, funny coincidence that! They also have to announce to you what they do in public, backwards but it must be out there. Randi? Andi? Stevie? What does a name tell you? Daryl? , Amanda? = A-Man-Da! Cher=C-her=See Her!

That ain't all! We all could be victims of this indoctrination and programming that the children now conflicted all grew up in. Little did they know they were all slowly being manipulated in the very school systems they grew up in and of course by that TV between everyone's ears warping and grooming minds of young everywhere. From Disney and all their symbols and sexual perversion in their animated films to the pride parades going on today it is not really new.

Imagine now the other side of the coin where those of the religion take part in this behavior willingly embracing the fantasy a child has and going so far as to okay the surgery at a young age. So they warp the child growing up from birth and that child grows up being conflicted and feeling as if they are trapped in their body! We could all be victims of reversal programming to some level. It happens more in London and much more in CALIFORNIA than anywhere else on earth so the only conclusion is that parents and teachers and therapists in these places are creating trans children right in front of the world. Just the show Ellen early on was a prime example of slowly grooming the public for what we see today. They baby stepped their way right into your living rooms!

If you see them win an award for anything in Hollyweird they are a member of the same religion that believes in 'unnatural things. They are in the club! So from birth on these children are raised by parents, many times that are adopted in third world countries just to bring them here and warp their minds. It makes one ask, "Would those children have become trans had they stayed in their homeland? Would they even be conflicted or have had such thoughts? Would they be conflicted if not for the adopted parents?" I mean this is not a new thing and from the looks of things our own royal family here in the USA, the Trumps are a family of potential gender benders and members of the tribe or club themselves, perhaps outcasts now perhaps not we don't know. I mean come on tho! Put a wig on Don he is an old grandma! Don't you know why all the women are two heads taller than the men in Hollyweird and among elite!? You do now though right?

Eugenics and the recent transgender push all with statistics shows that in England alone the number of young referred to the only gender identity clinic there has doubled in the last year with twice as many biological females seeking treatment over males. So there is ample proof some hanky panky is going on with children and doctors of the social sciences causing these conflicted children to be born and raised in such high numbers. They are literally creating trans humans right in front of you. The autogynephiles with their agenda among you hide out as the least oppressed group on the planet that you see treating you like property and abusing you? What is their agenda you ask? Here I'll paste a quote from another article Miranda Yardly did.

"Transgenderism accomplishes a ton of bourgeois goals all at once for these rich mother frickers. It promotes woman-hatred first of all and that appears to me to be their ultimate goal no matter how you identify. It is obliterating the concept of womanhood in popular discourse altogether and the, "Me Too movement" is helping it right now if you had not noticed. It is completely destroying feminism and all the work done over our life time and doing so through a cleverly hidden very sinister divide-and-rule strategy; liberal feminists are employed as flying monkeys, spying for the white conservatives behind it, spreading gossip, doing the narcissist biddings to inflict maximum torment on all those that oppose the narratives they present and even taking the fall as the scapegoat at times for, "The Cause"!
Oh and radical feminists are subjected to extreme censorship and violence on the other end we cannot forget that! It is an automatic backlash against the meager gains for LGB (lesbian, gay bi-sexual rights) in the past couple decades; it has re-branded conversion therapy as being progressive; it has declared lesbianism and gay as being trans-phobic, which I find offensive; and it has introduced “gender identity” into anti-discrimination laws, just recently even again in California which completely nullifies protections in place by law on the basis of sex and sexual orientation! I'm sorry but no matter where you stand on the gender issue this is outrageous! It has given privileged white men an oppressed card to play that they carry around in their back pocket like some prize, which has completely slowed down the black liberation movement and the socialist movement, by the way!! Oh and as both these movements try to reconcile by fighting for the oppressed, while obeying the whim of whiny narcissists as they dodge flying monkeys all the past gains are lost while everyone is so focused on current events! What is the point? We need to stop this! We're being manipulated by severely deranged rich men!"

They are easy to find, because they live behind walls, and are the ones arranging marriages and selling children for slaves and servant jobs to other elite after choosing the servant from another country and abducting them at a young age. Being that the elite see them as their property anyway like they are goods they just take whoever they want. So remember these manipulators are always behind security, always have servants, always have multiple houses and cars, buidings and businesses and typically wives that fit the conservative 50's mold as well as possible. They hire legit church and missionary groups to do their dirty work oftent times. Clean up crews for disaster are also employed to steal children.

Who raised Charles, the father of William and Harry? Do you know? It wasn't his parents! Brothers and sisters get separated this way often and many times the sexual trauma and abuse starts at home. Same family lines though bred to make children and then carry on the tradition. Chelsea Clinton has a known handler according to some researchers.

They are gender fluid mostly so you can tell to look because the men are shorter, the women are taller, the women have broad shoulders, big heads, man jaws, and the men often like Trump have small hands, small eyes, small ears, all features of women even the jaw! These are indicators of a woman identifying as a male. Melania in contrast has broad shoulders, a big jaw, big hands, big feet and a big head that add up to her having many manily features of being a trans herself. I know at least one celebrity that also says this about the Trump's as well as the Obama's both.

While these elite rich intersex and autogynephilic families keep accurate and detailed records of their own they play with the masses as their property, seeing them as just another of the animals the creator gave them and never took back and using them for all manner of cannon fodder, sacrifice, meals, slaves, sex you name it. They consider themselves the only true rulers, you their property and they? The only truly aware and competent life forms on the planet that look down on lowly incompetent herd like humans so much they want to depopulate a larger part of it that they refer to privately as occupied by, "Oxygen Thieves"!

Many Hollywood elite children are born into life this way and have 'handlers' all their lives and many others are made to order specifically for other people to raise into politics or government positions and have no idea this is not normal. They go to private schools, stay close to home and are usually involved in arranged marriages with a family member just like John Kerry did with his daughter who married and Iranian member of his family, a prince as I recall. Kerry is a blue blood royal and not the only one in government in the USA still doing arranged marriages the same way as his royal cousins in the EU.

In other instances twins or siblings are separated at birth and with twins in particular where one may not even know about the other growing up or not one of the two most often commits suicide. It has been said for years that the Obama children were made to order for them just this way! As anyone can tell that has seen the pictures of the children and the friends of the Obama's it becomes readily apparent who the children's real parents are and it is not Michelle and Barry. Lastly Melania was a debutante' being presented to the public when Trump met her. I believe the same was the case with his other two wives. This is the very kind of thing the elite class do routinely. Arranged marriage is common place among rich corp. people and royals all over the world.

The End.....for now

The Sumerians Knew A Lot 

Notes: " quote from Mauro Biglino biblical and Vatican scholar:
Sumerians, who were much more precise and who knew those were not unerring gods, had no scruples about telling of their failures. And they tell us details with higher precision than monotheistic thought all of which was inserted into the Bible later. The Sumerians tell us quite plainly that these guys had a whole bunch of failed attempts before they created or even came close to achieving the right slave! 

They made a lot of mistakes. Those of you that followed the Dolly sheep clone years ago but they don't tell you about the 240 attempts and failed sheeps before her. That is not a made up number. Real number. Sumerians wrote of the same thing of these guys. The Sumerians tell us of these guys making one that could not hold back urine, one that could not close his eyes, one with a crooked spine, one without genitals, one unable to eat, I don't even remember them all but not important. 

They made a lot wrong. A really horrible one is made note of, one made by coincidence with the extracted material from the blood of one of the presumed gods chiefs! How bout that, the least successful attempt was one from Enki's own blood. At some point they gave the other of the big two bosses a try. Enlil. Can you imagine? From Enki they got a complete and horrible failure. It was a hairy being with a closed throat, imperfect eyes, twisted ribs, and paralyzed spine! It's heart, head and intestines were damaged and all written of in precise detail! It was also unable to lift it's hands. 

These translations are NOT from Sitchin! Because Sitchin is important but one has to go beyond. Regarding Sumerology I follow the translations made by academics. For the record those are the translations of Giovanni Pettinato who was a world wide authority when alive. 

So these are the translations of an acclaimed academic in the field, recognized worldwide. Incidentally he was the chairman of the European commission for the creation of a Sumerian dictionary, hence a real undisputed worldwide authority! 

I mean no people is so stupid to create such a type of god to adore them?! The Sumarians tell it as they saw it. They describe how these guys to be feared moved forward by trial and error. 

Evidently they told us those things to remember them, obviously with the linguistical conceptual cultural instruments they were provided with, but they told the story in the way it likely happened. The Bible is a lazy summary of it. Or actually they made two. One real, known by the incast, one fake romanticized for the masses. 

Author notes: There’s are videos on youtube and vimeo where they discuss the amount of funding the trans lobby has accrued in a short time. I've watched them and there are several good reporters on this topic actually that still qualify as true investigative reporters. I, unfortunately I do not recall names. And there’s Miranda Yardley who touches on the rich "autogynephiles" as she coined them, all in positions of power in trans lobby organizations! Bruce Jenner is said to be one of these individuals. Although that name no longer applies I suppose. Note that these and others out there among and in these same organizations get millions of dollars in patronage annually from big biz like Starbucks, Apple, NBC, CBS, etc. We're talking big $. Trans-genderism has received elite support also and they try to hide it quite cleverly.
Wealthy white men are at the top of the trans lobby did you know that? Wealthy white heterosexual men! What is with that? Who would have thunk it?
Magdalen Berns even responded to a VICE video where as I recall she gave a glimpse of how many rich autogynephiles live in New York alone and there is that word again! I had to look it up the first time I saw it in print. It basically means men that fantasize about being a woman to the point it's a thrill for them. They tend to be wealthier than God and speaking of God they were most all inundated in strict conservatism growing up how ironic is that?

So lets get the picture of what is before us in our heads! The men behind this trans movement themselves tend to be attracted to, no what is the word here? Ah! Gravitate! Yeah that's it and to wholly stereotyped visions of “womanhood” that look outwardly most times looks like it came out of the 50's Mad Men wardrobe. Going along with this same line of upbringing their exploration into trans-genderism is always going to be charged sexually so it is intense and explicit, and exploitable and there’s most always the plausibly deniable, but implied fetish element they stick in there somehow each time did you notice this? So again! The big picture! This trans-genderism is under the ideological leadership of the world’s least oppressed people! How do you like that! It's the rich white mfkrs and the richest and most educated conservatives behind the trans movement! What do you suppose they are up to? Let us take a look at what it accomplishes! Ponder this.
1)Trans-generismt promotes woman-hatred.
2)It is obliterating the concept of womanhood in popular discourse altogether and this "Me Too!" movement is helping it right now if you notice.
3)It is completely destroying feminism and all the work done over our life time and doing so through a cleverly hidden divide-and-rule strategy ; a) liberal feminists are employed as flying monkeys, (someone that does the narcissists bidding ) spying for the white conservatives behind it, spreading gossip, doing the narcissist agenda to inflict maximum torment on all those that oppose the narratives they present. b)This is done at any cost usually and even at the risk of taking the fall as the scapegoat at times! 4)Radical feminists are subjected to extreme censorship and violence on the other side and it is an automatic backlash to set back the hard earned but little gains for LGB rights in the past couple decades a) ; it has re-branded conversion therapy as being progressive b); it has declared lesbianism as being trans-phobic c) ; and it has introduced “gender identity” into anti-discrimination laws, just recently even again in California which completely nullifies protections in place by law on the basis of sex and sexual orientation!
5) It has given privileged white men an oppressed card to play that they carry around in their back pocket like some prize, which has completely slowed down the black liberation movement by the by and the socialist movement also since we're bringing that black movement up but, as both these movements try to reconcile things to get back to their original purposes of fighting for the oppressed they are dealing with the narcissists while they play political dodge ball with flying monkeys!

Friday, January 12, 2018

The War In Heaven

And the spirit of the Lord came in from behind me and grabbed me as I slept. Feeling as if two hands had me by the shoulders I flew up out and into the attic then into the air up through the roof of my house all the while as if hands were holding me firmly from behind by the shoulders I flew and was guided!

The spirit of the Lord took me silent, upon the clouds and I sailed and came to a great city of crystal and waters inviting and pure! I saw my lives and viewed myself, and then viewed myself again and then once more and then yet again as a youth with curly blond hair and the voice of God said to me these are the lives that you have led here and this is who you are! The voice then said come sit and learn as I share with you the story of the War in Heaven, that you will share it with your people so that they will never forget! And so I listened and learned and tell you now as best I can in my own words what I've learned and the story I was told by the spirit that guides me, the spirit, one of the Angels of the Lord God, the creator of mankind!

We are here now because of the war in heaven. Revelation and the Book of Enoch tell what occurred and how we all ended up here. 
Once upon a time there was a planet just beyond where the asteroid belt is now. This planet was known by several names in ancient people's tongues but Marduk was probably the most famous name so lets call it that for this writing. Marduk was a world populated by super intelligent life forms. 
These were recorded to be evil in the book of Enoch and refusing to yield to 'God's will' , and the Gods lived on Mars, and if you were to ask them the people of Marduk were always in trouble. This ruling species , the "Gods" as they were referred to by humans, but in actual fact the ancient writings referred to them simply as, "The Highest!", and humans,
 who looked upon these "Gods" as their creator, well, they wrote about these ones and they feared them. But the bottom line is that these Mars dwellers didn't get on well at all with the species and culture of Marduk.

This feud between these two species went on for eons in our solar system it seems and both had tech. much beyond what we have so they were quite high minded. Like the Hatfield's and McCoy's they feuded daily! Constant fighting and wars were the norm between the two planets and in the final war Mars actually focused great and powerful weapons that penetrated very deeply into the interior of Marduk causing the planet to explode in the process.

This explosion formed more donations in the way of huge chunks of what used to be a planet to the already existing asteroid belt and wiped out completely one entire side of Mars and the atmosphere of Mars was also diminished such that many lost their lives on that planet. This is how the majority of the damage to the moon supposedly occurred because our moon was once a moon around mars and this was moved here by the supreme ones. The same explosion also caused major upheaval on the earth in three or more places but not to the point it hurt the planet. 

Mars was completely shocked and ruined though, and now a dying planet! Only one planet was close that supported life. The only problem was the earth was abused over and over and over through time because it was never respected or cared much for other than it's value as a mine until Mars was nearly destroyed! 
The earth was a geological wonderland they mined and it was a quarry basically used for the mineral wealth they could generate and regenerate over and over again. It was used as a garden, a means to grow and make valued things for the various species of the universe that would purchase them. Remains of the cuts and goings on of these giant mining and quarry machines is still evident all over the planet to discerning eyes!

The planet earth was used to grow living organisms which were started, that is to say 'planted' here to grow for a reason and this organic carbon based life was filled with water which was the main ingredient their tech could use as fuel. Their fuel was hydrogen based and they would blast the planet with plasma shots from the sun via solar flares, because they know how to stir up the sun to shoot flares which used the water in the living organisms for fuel and fossilized everything it scorched and nearly instantly! 

But before they ignited the earth they would build pyramids in strategic places covering the land masses so when they turned them on to produce copious amounts of hydrogen gas the atmosphere of the earth would become saturated with it to make the fire good and hot and longer lasting! Then they would disrupt the sun and make it shoot flares at the earth causing great storms of fire breathing twisters all over the earth! Then they would come in and mine out the agates and gems from this what used to be living trees, plants and animals. Entire corral reefs were turned into petrified stone and shallow oceans dried up as fuel nearly all over the earth in repeated cycles.

Apparently the Pyramids produced hydrogen gas in great quantities. In several in the world including but not limited to those in Egypt the residue of hydrochloric acid and hydrogenated zinc can still be found in the place inside the pyramid chambers labeled as 'The Queen's Chamber" by Egyptologists.  These originator species of beings could when needed literally turn on any number of the pyramids to begin producing copious amounts of this gas into the air. The shafts in the pyramids, one on each side was how they fed the ingredients into the pyramid chamber so they could combine to begin producing this gas as proven by Christopher Dunn in his books. Then they ignite it you see burning off the hydrogen in the air using the sun and that within the bodies of all the plants, animals, oceans and so on leaving petrified remains. 

Then they grow it all back up again lush and green with new life that has no clue what is coming and when it is mature and ready they pack up and come in and do it again. That is why you can witness so many evident cycles of life many different sizes here in archaeological digs all over the world. Well that cycle of growth and quarry out all stopped after the great war in heaven described in Revelation. Enoch tells how this all took place because suddenly they needed the earth also describing how they cleaned it in a varied way you have to understand. 
The earth was 'cleansed' and that meant the quarry was not used, the mining equipment was hauled out and the garden was regrown to support the survivors. The fallen angels were dealt with eventually once they were discovered and in the end the creators of our kind pulled wise men from every tribe (race) of the survivors brought to earth and taught them the story of how the war in heaven made all this happen. 

The entire story of our hybridizing and creation is true. The creators of this experiment, and the human beings living in this garden that they created used a existing hominid to adapt the human beings to be suitable for this planet are part from here and part from somewhere else. The creator went to a great deal of trouble to 'build' each of the types created. 

We could not just come here because everyone brought here from Mars had different reproductive cycles from Mars, which had different moons so mating with existing life of earth was needed to adapt the Mars survivors over time. 

 It took generations and many experiments to get man to the state they are at today where women have an av. 28 day cycle here and men an av. 33 day cycle regulated by the sun and moon which they brought in to use to help adapt the new species to the planet. This all recorded in detail by the Sumerians and others of various cultures around the world, including myths and legends from China, Peru, South America, Mexico, India, Japan and the Native Americans. Some of the fallen angels mated and produced wives and children and these as described were different than men or the creators and they were a problem. Getting back to perfect in type, they were a problem because they were half breeds of an illegal mating not approved by management of this garden. Then they went out and wrecked havoc in the garden.

The fallen angels violated the garden bylaws and did the unthinkable! They interfered by living with and co-creating life with the experiments, and then kept the acts and the offspring they brought into the world a secret until they became such a problem that it became impossible to hide them any longer! The creators of this garden disagreed with this act of the fallen ones. However they could not violate their own policies of life just because some among them did this, so the thought of destroying the offspring was out of the question as they were innocent and to destroy them would make the creators no better than those they condemned.. 

The Book of Enoch tells us, "Some of the sons created in this mating of the fallen with the humans did survive", and these are the fallen hybrids were given their own designated areas. The royal peoples or blue bloods with RH negative blood type today mostly royals today that mate among their own and these were provided wives by the creator so they would not want!  But make note! There were none for the fallen for the angels that fell were left to want. 

The fallen angels were punished and this is told in almost every culture of this cataclysm and this so the sons left would not want but the fallen were made to suffer. The earth is a protected zone never to be threatened or breached due to the mistake the creator beings made in the past that they do not want repeated.

These sons and daughters from the fallen were given their designated area to the north. Those, the fallen that spawned them taught them many things while they still lived but for a great price usually and to even gain an audience with one of them was near impossible. Instead they spoke only to the sons they created before being condemned. These sons learned many talents and grew to great reknown with great skills. The humans were taught things the creator did not wish them to know like reading and writing, metallurgy and math, science, astronomy, agriculture and more! Literally all the wealth of information that literally sprouted up in Sumeria is a result of this knowledge passed on by these fallen ones.

The Watchers of heaven put here by the creators still maintain the earth garden for us to thrive and will continue to do so according to the book of Enoch. They also, and the angels of heaven that have not fallen, written about in ancient writings speak to certain of us from time to time in dreams and visions bringing light and information to us, also as described in the Book of Enoch!

Note: The being or race that created this garden still lives. They still watch the planet. Ample proof that this planet used to be their quarry is still here. Ample proof the being they used to hybridize a viable species of humans is also evident. It takes but a cursory look to note it all over the globe. Some of the evidence by NewEarth videos and others shows startling proof of cuts in rock deep into sediment that we simply cannot duplicate even today. There simply are no tools available to man to cut hard rocks such as this. These were done in the days when this was a quarry here. 

This race that is described in Enoch and said to have cleansed this earth to prepare it for the people here now which were made in their image not only mined and quarried this planet repeatedly to obtain valuable mineral wealth but also for gold. All of these minerals and gems and agates were created by these beings! They made them by growing first live organisms that occupied this planet and in all sizes and shapes. You see that evidenced also, all over the globe. These living beings were and are full of water which is composed of hydrogen and carbon. 

Their technology allowed them to utilize the hydrogen in all the living organisms as fuel and when the garden would mature they would come in and zap it with these plasma storm twisters generated by the sun because they know how to make the sun spit at the earth and they did so in the past repeatedly over time to petrify everything re quarry out all the once living trees, plants, beings and giants we now see all over petrified where they sat with blood coming from them in places and bones and cells and tissue shown that once identified humbles you profoundly. 

We know very little about our earth and when you try to tell the blind they will often fight you over what is right in front of them but you must point it out. Denial is just the first step. Believe me, in time they'll finally get it. Bigfoot proves the tales told in books such as the Book Of Enoch regarding the creation of mankind.. The creator race was the long skull or Cone Heads that originally occupied mars. We were created, adapted to live here by them. We are related to them but not near as intelligent. We are simply made in their image just as the ancient writings tell us.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Creatures Of The Air And Of The Deep

Most people do not know of the life that exists just outside the range of our vision. There have been those in history who have professed to seeing some of these other life forms. Usually these folks with the eyes to see what someone else, indeed most were not able to see were most always labeled cooks or frauds. But there were some in science that believed these stories and began to research them believing such creatures existed. 
"In 1953 Wilhelm Reich bet he could make one visible so photographer Norman Leistig could film it. Leistig’s assistant held up an ‘Orgone-charged rod’ and within 5 seconds a huge, jellyfish-like thing appeared and attached itself. The experience so alarmed the two men they refused to discuss it, although years later Leistig claimed Reich was ‘the devil himself.’ "What you don't know can hurt you. 1860-1998." Here is that picture! 

These creatures generally ignore humans but it has been reported a time or three that they have mutilated cows and other animals. However, there is little proof to this. What we do know is that they have been photographed and video taped. 

We are surrounded by life no one sees. This generally is not known, but outside of our perceptive abilities are a host of other life forms. During a solar eclipse it is said that at certain key moments the 4th dimension opens briefly and one can see the shadow beings and walkers, the Djinn, the Archons and more as they scurry about in a tizzy like all the other animals during a eclipse event. Even NASA has photographed these jellyfish high up in the atmosphere. NASA jelly fish in the air photo 

Everyone thinks the ocean life is unique to the oceans and stops where the water is but there are jellyfish like creatures of all sizes that are in the atmosphere above us also. They are just out of our spectrum of vision but there none the less and energies from space at times push these usually high up dwelling creatures down lower and some of these are tree size! 

They have long tentacles just like the ones in the ocean. Every time that a wave of Bells Palsey takes place somewhere in little pockets its one or more of these unseen creatures stinging people just like in the ocean! In fact if you treat the symptoms just like the injuries from stings in the southern oceans not the northern, and take a baking soda and vinegar bath or shower to nullify the effect of the stingers, the relief can be quite good and shorten the time it affects your life. 

It depends on which stinger gets you though. If one of the outer stingers is what got you its like your neck just went out for no reason! If its more toward the middle of the creature as it hovers above you when a tentacle hits you it is Bells Palsey like neurological symptoms and some think in certain circles much of the last few year reports of neurological disorders cropping up all over are related to the energies from space causing these things to come low enough to affect humans. 

If one of the middle two stingers gets into contact with you it can just kill you dead right where you stand if its a bigger tree size jelly fish. These are transparent like creatures and tentacles but they dangle and some of these jelly fish creatures resemble floating misty cloud brains of a sort! They have neuronal firing going on as they are apparently very real thinkers and you can see the sparkles and orbs inside it as it ponders! Its quite spooky and these are capable of growing tentacles or perhaps they have them too but this is how they look and its about just like you see in the ocean. These are thought to be long lived if not immortal beings these Jelly fish. They are capable of reverting back to their asexual state and just growing up again. Others revert to undefined blobs of protoplasm looking translucent floating brains just like this video only in the sky!  

Above is a video of one of these highly dangerous, intelligent creatures of the ocean depths. 
This is the same life form in a different adaptation for the air. These both cause the same injuries to people that get stung by them as any common jelly fish in the oceans.