Sunday, November 23, 2014

Giants, Long Head Skulls, Royals And Hiding In Plain Sight

Re: Known bipedal hominids with culture. 
In ancient times the scribes of the day depicted peoples in multiple places on the earth as coming in four skull shapes. Mongols noted 'the Bulbous Heads' and depict them in their literature and one and the same people can also be seen in Olmec remains and stone work in the Americas. 
In Egypt we see the hybrid variety or 'remnant bun' as it is called, or also more popularly known as the "Pharaoh Skull" as in that of King Tut and others of that lineage and more. Mitanni people are also directly related to these as the Mitanni provided wives to the priests and Pharaohs.
Then there are the Cone Heads! The ox blood and orange red hair Cone Head or "LONG SKULLS" as they were referred to when found! These are the ones that are 20 to 25% larger in both weight and brain matter capacity compared to the remaining known skull shape, the "Round Skull" or Humans. 

These four groups of different yet compatible hominids interbred. Some of their hybrid offspring live and walk today among us as royals. The royals try to hide this lineage but many feel that their remnant buns, their blood type, their intelligence as well as many other prodigal gifts of music, art, literature, science, medicine and more are all believed to stem from these once great clans of long skulls that ruled the earth until the last cataclysm. 

A great film to watch on the goings on of the Cone Heads or "Red Heads" as they were also called can be found on youtube in the Gabi Plumm videos in "Our Cousins Across The Sea and her other video both of which are wonderful and highly recommended. You will learn there of Patuko the Long Skull and the South Pacific tales of these cone heads eating humans and referring to them as the "Long Pig" the best of all meats. These cone heads were hunted down, chased from Egypt to Peru across the sea and then again across to Easter Island, and NZ and Australia and in all these places and on many isles they tell the tales of these horrible red haired cone heads that ate humans. 

Dutch sailors also tell of this as do others. Even the ones related to these cone heads that did not eat human were hunted down as man eaters. Many of these long skull clans resembled serpentine animals due to the nature of how they dressed in snake skins, alligator and crocodile skins and more seemingly fascinated by these reptiles. These people were great sailors and referred to as Snake Priests or Druids, Deneric or Maggi in other cultures and had still other names in yet more. 

These images of these cone heads to this day bring on the Grim Reaper image in one's mind. Some of those trying to escape being hunted were quite tall. Giant even, and they went off to an island to the west of modern day California.  Eventually they met their demise though as did others and many many of the dragon and giant slaying myths stem from these goings on.  The people tried to wipe out the memory of these horrible ones. Over time those caught being the priests that they professed to be were considered responsible for the calamity that befell the earth. 

As the priests made clear and taught, that every ounce of pleasure must be paid for with an ounce of pain the people realized the only way to heal the planet was to make a great sacrifice that must be special, unique and blessed. Upon great debate it was decided no one fit that description better than the priests that led them to this calamity so they began offering the priests to the gods to heal the earth. Then they began wiping out the memory of the cone heads and cranial deformation was banned. 

In those days it was forbidden for the four head shapes to mate and produce offspring between them because of the problems it had created in the past when they did. When these matings were done the correct way where the female or mother was the Nephilim or one of the pure Cone Head females, they could become pregnant from one of the males of the other species and they produced viable offspring this way which led directly to why it is traditionally monitored on the matriarchal side but when it was the round skull or one of the other head shapes that was the mother the offspring was sterile if they could become pregnant at all.

Even though these marriages were forbidden it occurred anyway in certain pockets of the world and viable offspring were produced from these illegal couplings. Those offspring became problems for the human population. This of course meant these horrors of the world could multiply and these offspring became known as Nephilim or Anakim which were even bigger or problem children by those that were trying to escape detection by leaving to other more remote areas. 

When these Nephilim were born neither side of their families accepted them in most cases and when they did try to embrace them they regretted it because in most cases these offspring were violent and possessed of deviant behaviors. This and their size and the threat they posed since they tended to be larger in size than either parent made this crime punishable by death of everyone involved and entire villages of guilty parties were wiped from the face of the earth at one time.. Sodom and Gomorrah are both such a place where these illegal 'hook ups' were taking place.

Some of the rogue elements of those reproduced by these illegal marriages are those responsible for the "Long Pig" stories we hear of today coming out of the South Pacific! These rogue giant cone head half breeds ate humans as a delicacy in those and other parts of the world!  This fact and the fear they generated are what brought these ones to their demise and it condemned all of the long skulls of earth in time because in the end it made humans very wary of these other species. The bible refers to them as being so large that just four of these Anakim seen in a village they wished to attack scared off an entire army force ready to fight until they saw those that would look upon them like they were grasshoppers!
In other references the Amorites scare off people in similar ways. These too are referring to illegal hybrid references. 

In modern day Kansas a great war took place between these tribes and the long skulls after the cataclysm and the remaining survivors of the impact strikes were literally wiped out almost overnight on this continent by the surviving round skull populations. Those that survived did so by physically leaving the continent to an island south west of California. This small island was a refuge for some time for the remaining surviving tribe of giant long skulls but in time these too were killed off by the round skull natives that feared them.

Royals today that are related to these long skulls of old hide it because of the facts presented here. They don't wish to be eliminated the same way and most feel or felt they were eliminated so to discover they are still here hiding in plain sight was a surprise for some. Fact is though a rogue element of these ones has taken the planet hostage and holds it dearly as theirs looking down on the lowly humans or round skulls. The Bolsheviks were feared so much by these royals because they knew this story and the truth and intended to wipe them out and finish what the ancient people started. They got half way done. Still work to do I suppose. Half the family survives in Europe yet but do be aware large factions of very aware round skulls know the full story and believe in the end this matter will be resolved. 

Here we see the defaced Pharaoh once more showing the level of extremes some will go to remove the memory of them from the masses. You see the elite, related to these cone heads do not wish for you to know you are technically a different sub species of hominid compared to them. This is much akin to the Lion (them) and Tiger (you) which when mated can produce viable, 'VIABLE" off spring but the offspring (Nephilim) are rejected, berated, and grow up to revolt causing all kinds of problems as they do not get on well with the others from either parent's sides of the family. Often times the offspring that is viable is also quite giant in size such as we see in the Liger. 

Next look here at Mr. Clapton's skull shape and note how you can tell at a glance now that you know what to look for that he is a 'royal' and you don't even need to ask you also know he has RH negative blood type and that he is not exactly the same species or even equipped with the same immune system as you. Go ahead look it up.

And more remnant cones shown here also, blue bloods and RH negative blood type and again my haplogroup. Interesting coincidence ey? See them? Not round skulls are they? Now you know how they know when they see each other. Or part of it anyway, at least for the purer ones of the mix. 

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All pictures shown below used with permission from B. Forester for educational purposes.  From the book by David Hatcher Childress and Brien Forester, titled "The Enigma of Cranial Deformation. Find it on Amazon. Its worth the price for the fabulous pictures if nothing else.  Thanks Brien.

Those mysterious ancient rulers with elongated skulls Rejected Cone Head Pharaoh
Scroll down just a bit once it opens.  Some came from other places not Africa!

Out of Africa Debunked Out of Africa? NOT

Brit is less British than you think!

You probably made note of my mention of the 'real bible' so here you go. 

On long skulls 
More on long skulls 

Part II

Dr. H.A. Miller
  (Now deceased)
Born in New England, December 12th, 1909… I was the first and only child of Christiana and Arthur Miller. My mother died in child birth and I was subsequently raised by my father until re-married to a French woman when I was 12 or 13 years of age. Soon after their marriage she bore a baby girl. I finished my high school education while living with my father, step-mother, and half-sister.
[There is an entire section here that I could not transcribe- Handwriting was illegible]
I remained in New England for my undergraduate work. I thoroughly enjoyed the outdoors, the ocean and forestry. My under-graduate studies focused on forestry and land management. While in my junior and senior year, I was employed by the Federal Government.

I worked at Lockwood Farm (part of The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station). I learned about hybridization in agricultural and enjoyed the hard outdoor work in the corn fields. I began to find great interest in the scientific workings happening with corn seed at the time.

I completed an additional year in Forestry science and graduated in 1930 with an A.B. from Yale University and an M.F. in 1931 (M.F. is a Master of Science in Forestry).

I labored at Lockwood Farm for a few years and gained great interest in science and medicine; by this time and I did hope to attend Medical School and become a physician. I expeditiously applied for Medical School and was accepted to Harvard and began my medical training in 1938.

Graduating from Harvard medical school (Harvard) in the early 1940s and I completed residency and fellowship at Harvard and began a very specialized career at the time in Orthopedic Forensic Surgery Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Boston.  

Because of my previous work with the USDA, I was quickly employed by the federal government. My early years as a physician related mostly to providing medical support to various employee types (fire fighters, etc.) within the USDA/FS.

I also became the forensic expert and anatomist for the USDA and was called to examine most major accidental deaths of USDA/FS servicemen. Due to my interest in genetics and early experiences in agricultural hybridization, I was assigned to scientific teams, which investigated the physical nature of genetics.

Our early experiments determined that DNA is the component of the chromosomes where genetics should be studied; this, along with the efforts of several other scientists, lead to the discovery of the double helix structure in early 1950s.

It was at this same time that several of our team members were called to Bandera County, TX where the forestry scientists/biologists assigned to Edwards Plateau reported the dead bodies of a strange type of human. The first reports I received were speculating that they were feral humans from the local Comanche Indian tribes. The bodies were supposedly found in or around one of the massive caves within the Edwards Plateau area.

When I arrived in Texas, I was surprised to find 3 bodies; one adult female and two female juveniles. I examined them as I typically would any human subject. But to my dismay--one of these creatures still seemed to be alive. I became quite upset with the local scientists--but they reassured me that they confirmed all 3 were deceased.

After further investigation, I found that these creatures were not human. They, in fact, had a remarkable rapid reparative process (hence the reason one of the creatures seemed dead--but in fact was regenerating to a degree). Unfortunately the restorative abilities of the creature were not enough to keep it alive. They were massive in size and distinctly a new primate species unknown to science at the time.

I spent years studying these creatures (which are scientifically known as Cebidatelidae), confirming that they were most certainly not human; they were definitely of Primate origin, but with traits seen in various species of primate – most of which were New World monkey.

Cebidatelidae found in the San Antonio Texas area very much “howl” like a howler monkey (quite frightening to hear at night).  At one point early in my analysis, I found a great deal of similarity between these bigfoot creatures and the Howler Monkey- that was until 1962…..

In late 1962 early ’63 I was notified of a large human like creature by the Redding forest service folks in California. I arranged for transport of the body to my primary location in Colorado. It was reported to me that the body was found under a large tree that had been violently struck by lightning and blown to the ground, apparently killing this large creature.

During my investigation- I found the animal to be very similar to those I had studied in the Bandera County area of Texas, with some marked differences. This northern version of Cebidatelidae seemed to have the same new world monkey attributes I notated in the Texas animals (known today as Cebidatelidae texicanus or C. texicanus).

However, there were unique traits found in this Pacific Northwest animal (known today as Cebidatelidae nerteros pacificus or C. nerteros pacificus) including thumbs that are not entirely opposable, as we see in modern humans. C. nerteros pacificus entire hand was truly designed for grip, including proximal pads; making the hand somewhat hooked like, having flattened nails resulting in my theory that these northern creatures developed an evolutionary arboreal nature while the Texas sub-family developed a trogloxene nature. 

This Pacific Northwest (PNW) creature found in 1962-63 also had scent glands on her forearms. This is more evidence that C. nerteros pacificus is arboreal to some extent, leaving sent marks up and down the tree while climbing.  Not only was this creature smashed by the large tree, but she was also badly burned with areas of lightning prints on exposed skin. I notated in my Medical Examination report of the body that it seemed as though lightning struck the animal passing through the body and into the tree; subsequently weakening the tree and causing it to fall to the ground. 

It did seem as though the animal had fallen to the ground first, with the tree falling on top of her afterward- but the evidence as to whether the animal fell first or with the tree is inconclusive. However, it is clear lightning struck the tree at a decent height of over 20 feet; therefore this animal must have been clinging to the tree at the time of the lightning strike…. more evidence of the arboreal nature of C. nerteros pacificus.

 C. nerteros pacificus also has additional medial padding on the feet, which it would use to climb trees by clinging to the tree with its hands and support its weight.

Both the C. nerteros pacificus and C. texicanus have oversized lower jaws, including massive sternocleidomastoid musculature. This must have been due to their rugged diet and, moreover, their need to crush bones. Their lower dentum at first looked as a second row of molars. But after years of research and examining the dead bodies of these animals, I have found that the lower molars are simply oversized or fused resulting in massive, bone crushing tools. 

Due to their jaw size and bone crushing dentum, it is also clear that all sub-family of this creature are omnivorous, predacious and opportunistic.  We did find that the female killed during the Columbus Day storm was pregnant with monozygotic embryos. All female Cebidatelidae bodies I have investigated throughout my career that have been pregnant have monozygotic embryos; this again, incorporating additional evidence of a new world monkey relationship.

 Due to my investigations of the 1950s bodies in Texas and the 1960s PNW Columbus day storm body- I submitted to the Department of Agriculture that this is a new Platyrrhini species and that a new family under the parvorder should be created. Fellow scientists of mine disagreed given the fact that the creatures we examined in both cases were obviously bipedal and catarrhini in terms of their nostrils facing downward (old world monkeys). 

However, the juveniles we have examined are much more platyrrhini in terms of nostril breadth and position. I won the debate in the end due to the fact that no evidence thus far demonstrates that these creatures crossed over from the old world- but are simply new world monkeys adapting to their various staged areas within North and South America*.

I have since retired and I know of some new University of Utah based scientists and Idaho who understand the genetics a bit better. Their findings are only supporting my original theorems, or at least I am told. These molecular biologists will soon understand the similarities with humans- once the human genome project is completed. As a result, I still refer to the Sasquatch species as Cebidatelidae with the following subfamilies:
Cebidatelidae arktos
Cebidatelidae nerteros pacificus
Cebidatelidae somphos
Cebidatelidae americanus
Cebidatelidae texicanus
Cebidatelidae amazonia

*Any of these species found outside the New Worldmust have originated from and migrated out of the new world.
All of my experience with this primate has been post-mortem, save a few unique experiences in the wild. To my knowledge a live specimen has never been captured except for once in Northern Research station in California. However, the animal did not survive in captivity and died after only several days. 

I, of course, examined the body. There were many rumors that this captured “Sasquatch” was somehow magical and could shape shift and that is why it couldn’t be found. The truth is… the folks at Northern Research station were very devastated and embarrassed that this live specimen died so quickly after being in captivity. So no, they are not magical. They are highly intelligent primates. 

Having one die in captivity is a very difficult to witness due to the human nature and feeling about the species. In reality, captivity will never be realistic for Cebidatelidae because of their size and complex brains. Similar to captive white sharks, the species cannot thrive in captivity and quickly die as a protective mechanism.

I have spent a great deal of my career as an expert for the federal government concerning Cebidatelidae and throughout the world, including the bodies recovered in the 80s due to Mount Saint Helen eruption. We made many recommendations to protect the species, but the DOI has constant concern regarding the impact of such a decision due to the vast number of areas this species inhabits. Such a decision would have potential negative impacts on the natural resource industry. The USFS is now working more toward creating protective wildlife refuges for Cebidatelidae.
[There is an entire section here that I could not transcribe- Handwriting was illegible]
…others on the team focused on molecular genetics….
[There is an entire section here that I could not transcribe- Handwriting was illegible]
…. the USFS and the DOI is recognizing now that the natural resource industry is not the economic center as it once was. So a final decision has been made to finalize the class 1 identification of the species. There is a 20 year plan to incorporate all wildlife protection areas throughout many areas of the United States to ensure federal land protection for Cebidatelidae starting with California, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, and Washington.

I was upset by this decision because the first location the species was identified scientifically was Texas. I petitioned and as a result, the Government Canyon State Natural Area will be protected, opened to the public and expanded in Bexar County, TX. The long-term plan will be to open each of these designated “Natural Areas” to the public. Once all of the designated Cebidatelidae “Natural Areas” are open to the public, the DOI will announce the species as an endangered New World Primate. I am not sure if this will happen, and the Government Canyon State Natural Area will not be open to the public until 2005 and then expanded later in 2009, and then again in 2012. This will all happen long after I am dead I’m afraid.

I am currently still living in Colorado and I have attempted to journal my experience with the discovery of this new massive primate. The species is amazing, powerful, and deadly if angered. Like any animal, it will protect itself, its food source and its young at all cost. Artiodactyla are Cebidatelidaes’ primary food source. It is imperative that the federal government continue to designate “Natural Areas”. Otherwise, a scarce food resource available to Cebidatelidae will result in more opportunistic feeding behavior and closer interaction between Humans and Cebidatelidae. These creatures and human beings simply do not co-exist.
H.A. Miller, MD, PhD (Now deceased) 
Influenced by the writings of Anatomist Dr. Thomas Dwight among which includes: "Frozen Sections of a Child" (1872); "Clinical Atlas of Variations of the Bones of the Hands and Feet" (1907); "Thoughts of a Catholic Anatomist" (1911)

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