The Sumerians Knew A Lot
Sumerians, who were much more precise and who knew those were not unerring gods, had no scruples about telling of their failures. And they tell us details with higher precision than monotheistic thought all of which was inserted into the Bible later. The Sumerians tell us quite plainly that these guys had a whole bunch of failed attempts before they created or even came close to achieving the right slave!
They made a lot of mistakes. Those of you that followed the Dolly sheep clone years ago but they don't tell you about the 240 attempts and failed sheeps before her. That is not a made up number. Real number. Sumerians wrote of the same thing of these guys. The Sumerians tell us of these guys making one that could not hold back urine, one that could not close his eyes, one with a crooked spine, one without genitals, one unable to eat, I don't even remember them all but not important.
They made a lot wrong. A really horrible one is made note of, one made by coincidence with the extracted material from the blood of one of the presumed gods chiefs! How bout that, the least successful attempt was one from Enki's own blood. At some point they gave the other of the big two bosses a try. Enlil. Can you imagine? From Enki they got a complete and horrible failure. It was a hairy being with a closed throat, imperfect eyes, twisted ribs, and paralyzed spine! It's heart, head and intestines were damaged and all written of in precise detail! It was also unable to lift it's hands.
These translations are NOT from Sitchin! Because Sitchin is important but one has to go beyond. Regarding Sumerology I follow the translations made by academics. For the record those are the translations of Giovanni Pettinato who was a world wide authority when alive.
So these are the translations of an acclaimed academic in the field, recognized worldwide. Incidentally he was the chairman of the European commission for the creation of a Sumerian dictionary, hence a real undisputed worldwide authority!
I mean no people is so stupid to create such a type of god to adore them?! The Sumarians tell it as they saw it. They describe how these guys to be feared moved forward by trial and error.
Evidently they told us those things to remember them, obviously with the linguistical conceptual cultural instruments they were provided with, but they told the story in the way it likely happened. The Bible is a lazy summary of it. Or actually they made two. One real, known by the incast, one fake romanticized for the masses.
Intersex surgeries! Is it right to assign sex to a baby?
Author notes: There’s are videos on youtube and vimeo where they discuss the amount of funding the trans lobby has accrued in a short time. I've watched them and there are several good reporters on this topic actually that still qualify as true investigative reporters. I, unfortunately I do not recall names. And there’s Miranda Yardley who touches on the rich "autogynephiles" as she coined them, all in positions of power in trans lobby organizations! Bruce Jenner is said to be one of these individuals. Although that name no longer applies I suppose. Note that these and others out there among and in these same organizations get millions of dollars in patronage annually from big biz like Starbucks, Apple, NBC, CBS, etc. We're talking big $. Trans-genderism has received elite support also and they try to hide it quite cleverly.
Wealthy white men are at the top of the trans lobby did you know that? Wealthy white heterosexual men! What is with that? Who would have thunk it?
Magdalen Berns even responded to a VICE video where as I recall she gave a glimpse of how many rich autogynephiles live in New York alone and there is that word again! I had to look it up the first time I saw it in print. It basically means men that fantasize about being a woman to the point it's a thrill for them. They tend to be wealthier than God and speaking of God they were most all inundated in strict conservatism growing up how ironic is that?
So lets get the picture of what is before us in our heads! The men behind this trans movement themselves tend to be attracted to, no what is the word here? Ah! Gravitate! Yeah that's it and to wholly stereotyped visions of “womanhood” that look outwardly most times looks like it came out of the 50's Mad Men wardrobe. Going along with this same line of upbringing their exploration into trans-genderism is always going to be charged sexually so it is intense and explicit, and exploitable and there’s most always the plausibly deniable, but implied fetish element they stick in there somehow each time did you notice this? So again! The big picture! This trans-genderism is under the ideological leadership of the world’s least oppressed people! How do you like that! It's the rich white mfkrs and the richest and most educated conservatives behind the trans movement! What do you suppose they are up to? Let us take a look at what it accomplishes!
Ponder this.
1)Trans-generismt promotes woman-hatred.
2)It is obliterating the concept of womanhood in popular discourse altogether and this "Me Too!" movement is helping it right now if you notice.
3)It is completely destroying feminism and all the work done over our life time and doing so through a cleverly hidden divide-and-rule strategy ; a) liberal feminists are employed as flying monkeys, (someone that does the narcissists bidding ) spying for the white conservatives behind it, spreading gossip, doing the narcissist agenda to inflict maximum torment on all those that oppose the narratives they present. b)This is done at any cost usually and even at the risk of taking the fall as the scapegoat at times!
4)Radical feminists are subjected to extreme censorship and violence on the other side and it is an automatic backlash to set back the hard earned but little gains for LGB rights in the past couple decades a) ; it has re-branded conversion therapy as being progressive b); it has declared lesbianism as being trans-phobic c) ; and it has introduced “gender identity” into anti-discrimination laws, just recently even again in California which completely nullifies protections in place by law on the basis of sex and sexual orientation!
5) It has given privileged white men an oppressed card to play that they carry around in their back pocket like some prize, which has completely slowed down the black liberation movement by the by and the socialist movement also since we're bringing that black movement up but, as both these movements try to reconcile things to get back to their original purposes of fighting for the oppressed they are dealing with the narcissists while they play political dodge ball with flying monkeys!
interesting blog, i know you have got a very good point made in this blog , it is everywhere, once you are awake